Oh boy, I remember about 2 years back when it was easy to photograph my son. Not so much now! Getting photos of my son and his dad gets harder and harder each year. Jaden is so active and the last thing he cares about is standing still for a photo. This year we chose to take their pictures in Canyon Lake, TX.
The reason behind this location was our son’s love of the water. I thought maybe if we took him to an environment he enjoyed it would make things easier. It did not. He was too distracted trying to get in the water to care for pictures. I am not disappointed with what we got but I am glad I only have to attempt this once a year. We were able to capture a few smiles from him and then a whole bunch of candid shots of him playing in the water. As we were walking back up to our cars I realized that the sunset looked absolutely beautiful. I made one last attempt to get some smiles from Jaden and it paid off! Luke had to spin around about 10 times but we got him to smile.
Taking pictures of my own son is the hardest thing for me to do! He is so full of energy and never wants to slow down. As hard as these photos might be, I understand the importance of taking these, year after year. I know that he may not appreciate it now but he will one day. For now, I’ll continue to snap away and create memories for every milestone I can. If you want a beautiful location, I recommend Canyon Lake, TX. It is a bit of a walk to get down by the water but totally worth it!

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