As our son’s birthday approaches I want to say thank you.
I remember three years ago how frightened I was to have “the baby talk” with you. I knew from the bottom of my heart that I wanted to become a mom. Having this tiny human to love and raise had always been something I wanted. What I did not know is where your heart was. About a year prior to our baby conversation you had told me the ideal age for you to start a family was around 30. This was discouraging to me at the time. However, you know me better than anyone else; therefore, you know I will always say what is on my mind. I held my breath and said those six words to you, “I want to start a family.” To my surprise, you were on board with me!
The baby journey was not easy for us but you were there for me every step of the way. You listened to me when I cried after every negative test. You listened to me discuss my dreams about our future child. You were there for me when I was happy and hopeful and there when I didn’t want to try anymore. It always seems that when you actually try is when it takes the longest!
After months of trying we finally got the news! I remember the exact day I told you. We were moving to our new apartment. I was impatiently testing as I did every month and finally I saw that, very faint, second line. I remember telling myself I would wait a few days before I told you but as soon as I saw you walking up the stairs I handed you my test. Again, you know me better than anyone else, patience is NOT my specialty. Your exact words were, “what does this mean.” We were pregnant!
Luke, thank you for accepting this parenting journey with me. I know it is hard at times but I also know that our lives are so much better since Jaden was born. When our son was about to be born that was the happiest I have ever seen you. I watched you transform right before my eyes into this totally different but amazing person. I did not know it was possible to love you more. Jaden might be a momma’s boy right now but I have no doubt in my mind that y’all will be best friends when he grows up!
Thank you for being a great partner and father. Jaden and I love you!

This is incredible. You did great. Love all of you so much!!
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